【Kyoto Geiko and Maiko service】

Gion Geiko and Maiko service can be arranged both inside of Japan and abroad.

Service is provided for any types of parties and events.

During the event Geiko, Maiko and Jikata will entertain you by traditional dancing,
talking, serving drinks and taking a commemorative photo.

Our company staff will prepare everything from advance arrangements to appointed day program concerning Geiko, Maiko and Jikata, therefore there is nothing to worry about.

芸妓・舞妓・地方 出張料金 ※拘束2.5時間(祇園(置屋)と現場の移動時間)
Geiko, Maiko and Jikata service fee. Total working time of 2.5 hours.
(Transferring time from Gion(okiya) to arrangement point is included)

1名編成( 舞妓1名 又は 芸妓1名 ): 60,000(税別)
… 1 person (Maiko or Geiko) : 50,000 yen (excluding tax)

2名編成( 舞妓、芸妓、地方から2名 ):120,000(税別)
… 2 persons (You can choose from Maiko, Geiko, or Jikata) : 100,000 yen (excluding tax)

3名編成( 舞妓1名、芸妓1名、地方1名 ):180,000円(税別)
… 3 persons (Maiko, Geiko, and Jikata) : 150,000 yen (excluding tax)

4名編成( 舞妓2名、芸妓1名、地方1名 ):240,000円(税別)
… 4 persons ( 2 Maiko, Geiko, and Jikata) : 200,000 yen (excluding tax)

5名編成( 舞妓2名、芸妓2名、地方1名 ):300,000円(税別)…その他、組み合わせ可能
… 5 persons ( 2 Maiko, 2 Geiko, and Jikata) : 250,000 yen (excluding tax)…and more.

Listed above prices include transportation and arrangement fees, therefore additional payment is not required.

Only if apply in advance it is possible to extend the time. 10,000 yen per every 30 minutes (excluding tax).


Please consult us about presence or absence of additional equipment (stage, acoustics etc.).

※24:00(までに祇園、到着) ※ 21:00以降は追加料金(30分毎に12,000円(税別))が加算されます。
Arriving to Gion at 24:00 ※An overdue(10,000 yen per every 30 minutes (excluding tax)) fee will be added after 21:00.

In case of cancellation after receiving present decision full amount of money will be charged.

Whole-day plan ( 10:00AM. departure from Okiya ~ on the spot ~ 12:00AM. arrival at Okiya).

1名(舞妓 又は 芸妓 又は 地方)につき:180,000(税別)
1 person ( You can choose from Maiko, Geiko or Jikata) for : 150,000 yen (excluding tax).

*Travel, meal expenses for 2 attendants shall be paid separately.
*Performance fee (Maiko, Geiko or Jikata) + tax + Travel, meal expenses(Maiko, Geiko or Jikata + okaasan and attendant).


▶︎Geiko & Maiko dispatch.digest.ENG
サンプル動画Geiko Maiko dispatch.digest.m4v

▶︎芸舞妓目安料金表 GeikoMaikoJikata Estimate Statement

Geiko dance“Matsudukushi”♪

Maiko dance“Gion kouta”♪

“Maiko solo - dispatch”


“Wedding reception”
サンプル動画結婚披露宴“Wedding reception”.m4v

“Photo session”

“Description Geiko & Maiko”

“Description Maiko - school trip”


“Ozashiki asobi (Tiger Tiger)”

 Please also see News

【Maiko】 : Maiko (literally means “dancing child”) is an apprentice geiko in Kyoto, most of them between the ages of 15 and 20.

【Geiko】 : Geiko (literally means “woman of the arts”, not exactly same as geisha) are traditional Japanese female entertainers who trained in singing, dancing, the art of conversation and other arts in order to serve guests as hired companions.

 Geiko are roughly broken down into 2 categories including 【Tachikata】 and 【Jikata】. 【Tachikata】 are dancers, 【Jikata】 are musicians. a lot of Jikata choose to wear lighter makeup and simpler kimono.

簡略すると Simply...
= 地方:Jikata
& 立方:Tachikata

= 芸妓さんの見習い:apprentice geiko

【Okaasan】 : a honorific name for keeper of Okiya. “Okaasan”literally means “mother”. All Maiko and Geiko living in the okiya call and treat their respective okaasan like their real mother, with a lot of respect and dignity.

【Okiya】 : a house where Maiko and Geiko of one “family” live together. ; It’s often associated with Ochayas.

【Ochaya】 : a tea house where geiko and maiko work.